Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Challenge Accepted: Day 1

I realize I am terrible at keeping up this blog. I have a huge draft that I worked on my entire pregnancy with week by week pics and all, but I never published any of it. I still want to, but life has been busy with a newborn! I still want to catch you up on how we finally got pregnant and all of the wonderful things that have happened since, but not today.

If you know me personally, you know that I am the definition of a procrastinator... I'm late to everything, and I am amazing at waiting to do anything until the last possible minute. This little quirk of mine affects every aspect of my life. Especially housework. If we plan on having anyone over you can bet that we are frantically picking up, shoving things random places and vacuuming the minute before we expect them to arrive. It's totally crazy! I think I thrive on the stress of it all. It's my 'drama' that I create. I watch 'Hoarders' to motivate me to get rid of some of the stuff I have pack-ratted away. I never clean up after myself. You can literally follow my trail from the day. I don't mean to be a messy person, I just get sidetracked, lol.

I want to do better. I want to live in a peaceful, uncluttered home so I can enjoy my life and my time with my family and do things I want to do instead of constantly living under the pressure of chaos. So, I am giving myself a challenge and putting it on my blog so I have some accountability. I found flylady.net a few years ago, it has really helped me realize there is hope for people like me. :) I've done the things she suggests off and on, but never really got into a habit. She has 31 beginner baby steps and I decided I'm going to do them starting today and track my progress on this blog. If I can do it everyday I will have done all 31 ending on Christmas Day... I can't imagine a better gift for myself than to be in some good habits that will simplify my life so I can focus on what matters most.

Day 1 is for me to shine my sink. I did it! In the past I have done this the 'perfectionistic' way by doing ALL of the dishes, thoroughly scrubbing not just the sink but the counters... in other words it took me at least a couple hours. I would burn out and then not care enough within a few days to continue. Flylady suggests that you just take the dirty dishes out of the sink and clean the sink. The idea is that having a clean sink will make you so happy that in the next while you'll want to clean your dishes and counters to match, and it will slowly spread to the rest of the kitchen, house, etc. So that is what I did. And it does feel good.
Photo: Day 26: I'm grateful for my shiny sink! Flylady has helped me so much... There's hope for my housekeeping skills yet. Lol.

1 comment:

  1. I love Flylady! I will admit that I don't do a great job on keeping up with it, but when I do everything falls into place easier. The pretty sink needs counters to match, the shiny counters need a clean stove, the clean stove needs the rest of the appliances to be wiped, the newly wiped appliances look at the dirty floor with disgust... It's like "If you give a mouse a cookie". LOL
