Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Boo on Geology

Okay, I have to rant. I HATE my geology class. Not only is teacher awful (okay, maybe I'm being unfair, but it's her first semester and I don't think anyone taught her how to teach at all!), but she gives us 15 minute lectures where we don't really understand what she's talking about, then she gives us these in class assignments, worksheets and such, which again, we didn't understand what she was talking about in the first place, so all of us sit there like idiots, pretending to know what the heck she's talking about, and writing some stupid answer, which she doesn't even look at, doesn't go over in class, or if she does, doesn't explain how in the world she got that answer... it's frustrating. On top of all this, we have quizzes due before every class on the reading. I did the reading once, found that I did just as well guessing and haven't read it since, (I think I gave up on this class after the first week...). PLUS, I've had two major presentations (one is due the day we get back from Thanksgiving), two big papers, (I stayed up all night finishing one which is why I am now venting) which again, I mostly have to b.s. since geology is going over my head.It's geology for crying out loud! It's not honors, it's not upper division. You wouldn't think it would be super hard to understand, and it's not like I'm one who has a hard time understanding academic subjects (I loved biology! One of my fav classes). I get A's, do my homework, work hard. I have never really had a class that I really hated or just stopped caring about completely. The funny thing is, we've all talked to her, on the first test she asked us to write things we liked and didn't about the class- and she told us herself that almost all of us had written about the exact things I'm ranting about.... and proceeded to tell us that we didn't ask questions, etc. (so it was our faults)(she doesn't answer our questions anyway, at least in a way we understand). She really didn't understand that she has a mutinous class on her hands (probably several actually). I can't wait for teacher evaluations...

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