Thursday, April 23, 2009

Random thoughts

So many things are happening...

School is ALMOST OVER!! I can't believe that there is an end in sight! I just have finals left!

Nate's graduating next week too- hallelujah, it's taken a long time. Hopefully now life will begin to move forward.

Speaking of moving forward... I'm still not pregnant. Now I'm to the point of, I don't care right now and I'm not going to worry about it if it doesn't happen for awhile... I can worry in a few years if it doesn't. Maybe we just aren't ready to have a baby and God is like, you really want one, huh? Well I don't think so! You can't feed yourselves! And he's probably just laughing at us trying. Oh well. I'm sure it will happen eventually.

I really really really miss ballroom now. :( If I don't get prego I think I'll try to get on the summer team. That would be fun!

I'm changing jobs! Well, I'm still sticking w/ the hood part time somewhat, just cuz I love so many of the people there! It's really hard to leave for so many reasons, and really easy for a few... ah well. I'm going to Icing in the Orem mall. We'll see if I like it. I really hope I do, but if not I guess there's always somewhere else.

Can I tell you how great it is that it's WARM! It makes me so happy! I don't dread waking up anymore! But I do wonder if I've got some kind of issue, I have no energy,... maybe that will change when I'm less stressed, who knows?


  1. Call or email me? I miss you! Need to chat. Need to SEE you!

  2. Congrats on you new job. Kim came to see me the other day at the Hood. Interesting how she acted like Bailey and Alicia were the only ones that she's hired from the Hood. Sigh! I hope it turns out well for you! And hey, I can come say hi to you! :) But I plan to steal you back.. just to warn you! :) lol
