Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Well.... Some good news and bad news. I found out I was pregnant on August 16th (Ironically the day I lost my 1st baby). We went in to the dr a couple days later. He looked at my blood work again (they had said it had all turned out normal btw). He found a double mutation on one of my genes, it's called mthfr, basically it means that I am prone to blood clotting (specifically it can affect pregnancy, not letting nutrients get to the baby, etc.) and that it can also mean I don't absorb folic acid as well as most people. So we decided to start on heparin (a blood thinner shot I got to give to myself 2x per day in my belly. Yes, it sucked pretty bad at first, but I got used to it after awhile. It did bruise my belly which wasn't fun), extra folic acid, as well as Progesterone (since I lose the babies right before 12 weeks we figured that progesterone was most likely the culprit.) The shots and folic acid were "just in case" since the mutations I have were the "good" mutations and most likely wouldn't cause me problems. But I was super excited that they finally found something! And that we were doing all this stuff to fix it.
We had an ultrasound when we were 9 weeks... baby was healthy and beautiful, strong heart, we were doing good.
I lost the baby on September 27th just before 11 weeks. Still trying to deal with it.
But, good news. I had a refferal from an ob in Chicago (my cousin works for him) for a specialist in sl, and then my dr. reffered me to the same specialist... so I figure that's a good sign.
I just hope we can find some answers, etc. I want my baby! I don't think I can go through this again. I guess it's good we can get pregnant... but I almost think it would be easier if we couldn't. Or maybe if I lost them sooner. And I know it could be worse, but that doesn't make me feel better either. I try so hard not to get excited, but with everything we were doing, and the ultrasound, and how far I was getting... I couldn't help but hope and get excited.
Specialist appt. on  the 27th. I'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. *HUGS*

    Any time you need a distraction, come visit me! I don't have a vehicle, but I would love to see you, and I'll feed you and everything!!

    I love you tons, and I'm praying for you. We put you back on the temple prayer roll. *hug*
