So many things are happening...
School is ALMOST OVER!! I can't believe that there is an end in sight! I just have finals left!
Nate's graduating next week too- hallelujah, it's taken a long time. Hopefully now life will begin to move forward.
Speaking of moving forward... I'm still not pregnant. Now I'm to the point of, I don't care right now and I'm not going to worry about it if it doesn't happen for awhile... I can worry in a few years if it doesn't. Maybe we just aren't ready to have a baby and God is like, you really want one, huh? Well I don't think so! You can't feed yourselves! And he's probably just laughing at us trying. Oh well. I'm sure it will happen eventually.
I really really really miss ballroom now. :( If I don't get prego I think I'll try to get on the summer team. That would be fun!
I'm changing jobs! Well, I'm still sticking w/ the hood part time somewhat, just cuz I love so many of the people there! It's really hard to leave for so many reasons, and really easy for a few... ah well. I'm going to Icing in the Orem mall. We'll see if I like it. I really hope I do, but if not I guess there's always somewhere else.
Can I tell you how great it is that it's WARM! It makes me so happy! I don't dread waking up anymore! But I do wonder if I've got some kind of issue, I have no energy,... maybe that will change when I'm less stressed, who knows?